Site Page Glossary - Feline Information


Kings & Queens

Persian cats from our Persian cattery from well known blood lines such as Jordanalisa, Midas, Pizzacata and Topcattery.  Photos and much more.


Adopting a Kitten

Persian cats and Persian kittens in Colorado.  Information about kitten proofing your home, what to expect when bring home a new kitten, the differences between the facial structures of the Persian cat.


Preparing to bring home your new Persian kitten - Kitten proofing

Preparing to bring your new Persian kitten home is somewhat like "child proofing" your home.  Imagine yourself as a kitten, what would you play with first?  A few things come to mind: the string on the mini-blinds, an electrical cord, the large poisonous plant sitting in the corner, potpourri, or even worse, the banister railing of the second floor. What are the dangers for a kitten in your home?


Shipping a Persian Kitten on an airline

Information about shipping a cat or kitten on an airline. 


About Us

A little information about Rocky Mountain Persians.


Doll faced Persian versus Extreme Faced Persian

Have you often wondered what it meant when they said "Doll faced," "Baby doll faced," "traditional doll faced" or "extreme faced Persian?"  What these terms are describing is the facial structure of the Persian cat or kitten.


New Kitten Supply List

What supplies will I need for my new Persian kitten?  Basic items such a litter boxes, food and water dishes, combs, brushes.  How about toys, what are safe for my new Persian kitten?  Pleae see our new kitten supply list page for Persian cat breeder approved toys.


Scratching Posts - Cat Scratching Behavior

Many cat owners misunderstand cat scratching behavior.  Providing the proper scratching pads and cat scratching posts can provide hours of playful activity, exercise and mental stimulation.  Physical things happen when a cat scratches, form exercise and stretching to conditioning the claws, but most importantly, cats are marking their territory.


New Kitten Acclimation - Introduction

Bringing home your new Persian kitten once you have selected the "perfect Persian kitten." When you chose a second cat, it is very important to match personality and lifestyle to the first cat.


Stages of Persian kitten development

Every Persian kitten is born wet and helpless resembling anything but a cat.  Newborn Persian kittens are generally less than 5 inches long and weighing only a few ounces at birth.



Please visit our Persian owners testimonial page.  We have some very happy Persian cat owners, see what they have to say about our Persian cattery.


Persian Grooming

One of the most frequent questions I was asked as a Persian cat breeder is, "how often should I bathe my Persian?"  Really, there are many possible answers to this question. There is so much information that should be consider when grooming your Persian cat than just how often to brush or comb and how often to bathe. 


Persian Cat Hair Types

Persian Cats have four basic hair types, for complete description, please visit our Persian Cat  hair type page for more information about Persian coats.


Cat Bath Preparation

There are several things to consider when you are preparing for bathing your Persian cat.  Please read our article on Persian cat bath preparation before bathing.


Persian dematting

Removing mats and knots in your Persian's coat is VERY important.  If we can tell you one tidbit of information about grooming, it is to NEVER, NEVER, NEVER EVER put a matted cat into water.


Persian Degreasing

After your Persian cat is brushed out and all the mats have been removed, it is time to degrease the coat prior to bathing.  Degreasing a Persian cat will take some time, practice and patience on both your part and your cat. We recommend Groomer's Goop premium degreaser for degreasing the coat of any long hair cat or dog.


Persian Cat Bath

Now that you have degreased your Persians coat, it's time to move onto the Persian cat bath shampoo phase of the grooming your Persian cat.


Drying your Persian cat

Once you have your Persian cat bath completed, now it's time to move onto drying the coat of your Persian cat.  Have patience, you're almost done.


Persian Facial Stains

When grooming your Persian cat or kitten you may be fighting facial and front ruff stains.  Facial staining on a Persian cat shows much more in a lighter colored coat than a dark colored Persian.


Persian Cat Colors

What color is your dream Persian cat or kitten?  The color descriptions found on this page are only a fraction of the possible colors and patterns that a Persian cat may be produced in.  We have included the descriptions for are most of the colors and patterns that are more commonly available in a Persian cat.


Inappropriate Elimination - Litter Box Issues

The most common behavioral problem reported by cat owners is the failure of a cat to use the litter box.  Poor litter box habits are the leading reason why cats are abandoned, abused or surrendered to animal shelters.   We use and recommend Cat Attract Cat Litter to help correct inappropriate elimination behavior and habits in cats.


Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety disorder  in cats is a disorder in which an animal panics when its primary caregiver is not present.  This can occur when all owners are completely out of the house, when one owner is absent and someone is still  present with the animal, or when the animal is merely separated from the owner, such as by a doorway.


What do cat sounds really mean?

Purring, chirping, meowing, growling, chattering and hissing:  What do they really mean.  Each of these sounds has a significant meaning that your can wants to convey. 


Books on Persian Cats

As a former Persian cat breeder, we have read a few great books that we feel are a great resourse for any prospective new cat owner.  Below a just a few of the books on Persian cat care that our Persian cattery highly recommends. Not only do they contain great information about Persian cats and their care as well as some great ideas for acclimating your new kitten, behavior modificationcat grooming information and tips, safety tips, preventing clawing, scratching, biting, rough play and finicky eating.


General Feline Information

Our General Information page has some great links to other pages filled with general cat information.


Zoonotic Diseases

What is a zoonotic disease?  Owning a pet can be a wonderful, rewarding experience for you and your family.  However, pets can transmit diseases that may be harmful to humans - especially young children and people with certain medical conditions.  These are called zoonotic diseases or zoonoses (pronounced zoo-NO-sees).


Poisonous Plants

Spring brings flowers and innocent-looking plants into the garden, yet despite their beauty some of them are deadly to people, birds, and other animals. The most serious effect of plant poisoning to pets is cardiac. When symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea occur, it may already be too late to save your pet's life. However, because these symptoms can indicate other problems, your veterinarian should see the animal immediately.  The best course is to eliminate poisonous plants from your landscaping plans, or make certain that these plants are out of reach for your pets and young children. Know what plants are poisonous to pets and people.


Household Toxins

Although dogs and cats have a good sense what they can and cannot ingest, accidents do happen. Some common pet poisons include the swallowing of very common household items such as weed killers, ammonia, scouring powder, bleach, insecticides, and also a variety of indoor and outdoor plants, and spoiled food. Some signs of poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, nervousness, difficulty breathing, and change in pupil size. Your pet may even stumble, go into convulsions, or become unconscious. Do not try to make your pet vomit. Many times this can make the situation worse, as some poisons actually cause as much damage coming up as they do going down. Comfort your pet and make it feel secure, and immediately take it to a veterinarian.  If you know what your pet ingested, take a sample of it to the veterinarian to help determine proper treatment.


Ways to find your lost cat

Finding a lost cat - Your cat is lost - now what?  First, remember not to panic... Every thirty seconds, a pet becomes lost, stolen or missing in the United States. A curious indoor cat slips out an opened door. A frightened feline darts out of the car at the veterinary clinic. No matter the situation, the disappearance can be devastating to owners. In addition to pet identification you need to know how and where to search for your last cat.  First try to anticipate where your indoor cat may try to go if he or she gets out or becomes lost. 


Pet Identification Systems

Statistics show that every thirty seconds, a pet becomse lost, stolen or missing in the United States.  Welcome to the new generation of pet identificatoin systems.  There are systems that go beyond the conventional pet ID metal tag that hangs from a hook on the cat's collar. These new systems greatly increase the changes of reuniting a lost cat with its family. These products require a little more money and time investment than ID tags, but they can give you greater peace of mind knowing that your cat can be identified and returned to you. Pet identification systems can help bring your kitty home.


Collars and Identification tags

Collars and pet identification tags are a reliable way to identify your cat should he/she become lost. Make sure your cat wears an identification tag that has your current information on it. You can order them from pet supply catalogs and stores, veterinary offices, and animal shelters often have forms to order ID tags.


Microchip Identification Systems

The most advanced of the pet identification systems uses a microchip implanted just below your cat's skin as a means of identification. When this microchip is scanned with an electronic decoder, the sophisticated chip will return a unique identification number. The advantage to the microchip is that your cat can always be identified even if its collar and tags are lost. The chip manufacturers have donated thousands of scanners to municipal animal control facilities and non-profit shelters to make sure that they are equipped to read the chips. These services offer a 24-hour toll-free number that will contact the cat owner with the kitty's identification number has been found.


Feline First Aid Preparation

Are you prepared for a feline medical emergency?  Here's what you need for a feline medical crisis in your home.  First of all realize that first-aid does not substitute for veterinary treatment.  Having basic knowledge can help save your cats life while you get him or her to your veterinarian.


Feline First Aid

Basic know-how in a medical emergency can save your kitten's life.  First aid is the first defense in an emergency until you can reach veterinary care.


Seven signs requiring immediate veterinary attention

Although some feline and animal medical emergencies can be managed at home, others require immediate veterinary attention. These signs indicate an emergency that requires immediate veterinary assessment. 


Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.


Facts about Euthanasia

When a cat owner and veterinarian decide that a pet is suffering or is unlikely to recover, euthanasia offers a way to end a cat's pain and suffering. This decision is most likely to be difficult for the cat owner but for the veterinarian as well.  This is most likely the hardest decision you will ever have to make, but you should realize that sometimes this is the kindest most thoughtful thing you can do in the final stage of  your cat's life.


Coping with Pet Loss - Stages of Grieving

Grief is a process of physical, emotional, social and cognitive reactions to loss. The grieving process is hard to work through, be patient with yourself or others experiencing the loss of a pet. Studies have found that people often go through stages or phases of grief.


Pet Loss - Is your Cat grieving?

Is your cat grieving the loss of another pet?  Although cats are typically portrayed as being independent, it is not unusual for one cat to mourn the loss of another pet.  Do you know what signs to look for?  Is is not uncommon for a cat to demonstrate signs of grief - just as a human experiences loss of a feline.  When two cats are attached to each other and one dies, the other may experience a period that can often be described as mourning. 


Jokes and Funny Cat Videos

We  have some funny cat videos and jokes.  Check out "How to wrap a present with a cat," and "how to give a pill to a cat."


Photos Page

On our Photos page you will find photos of some darling Persian kittens our Persian cattery has produced in the past.


Photos - Funnies Page

On this page you will find funny and cute photos of kittens we have had here.


Spay and Neuter Information

What does "spay" and "neuter" really mean?  Female dogs and cats are spayed by removing their reproductive organs, and male dogs and cats are neutered by removing their testicles. In both cases the operation is performed while the pet is under anesthesia. Depending on your pet's age, size, and health, he or she will stay at your veterinarian's office for a few hours or a few days. Depending upon the procedure, your pet may need stitches removed after a few days. Your veterinarian can fully explain spay and neuter procedures to you and discuss with you the best age at which to sterilize your pet.



FAQ's on declawing and feline scratching behavior. There are many myths, misunderstandings and misinformation concerning declawing. If you are considering having this surgery done on your cat, or if your veterinarian has suggested it, please take a few minutes to learn about this major surgical procedure before you make a decision that cannot be undone.


Can Cats and Kittens Safely Drink Milk?

Can cats and kittens drink milk?  In summary, the quick answer is no..


When is a Cat Considered to be Old?

How do cats age?  When is a cat considered to be old?  Unless you know it's birth date, it's hard to tell a cat's age, but sometimes when cats grow old, they start to show signs of age. The average indoor cat lives 12 - 15 years.


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