Get Feline Health Information here including: Zoonotic Diseases, New Kitten Acclimation, Feline Dental Information, Feline First Aid, Microchip Pet Identification, Persian Cats, Exotic Shorthair Cats, Himalayan Cats and Kittens:
Stages of Development for a Kitten - Kittens are born with their eyes are closed - Every kitten is born wet and helpless resembling anything but a cat. Newborn kittens are generally less than 5 inches long and weighing only a few ounces at birth. Their ears are tightly folded over and eyes squeezed shut. Every newborn kitten is born unable to see, hear or walk. Kittens are born with the righting reflex and heat receptors on its head to help it find it's mom and a tiny little voice for making distress signals and the ability to purr. At this point, momma cat herself provides the only source of food, warmth, cleaning and grooming, protector and sole care giver.
What is L-Lysine and what are the benefits for cats? How does L-Lysine benefit cats? What is the old saying… An ounce of prevention? Keeping your cat healthy through nutritional supplements is vital. L-lysine can help with that. L-Lysine is an essential amino acid.
Zoonotic Diseases What is a zoonotic disease? Owning a pet can be a wonderful, rewarding experience for you and your family. However, pets can transmit diseases that may be harmful to humans - especially young children and people with certain medical conditions. These are called zoonotic diseases or zoonoses (pronounced zoo-NO-sees).
Bordetella or Kennel Cough What is Bordetella and what is Kennel Cough? Did you know your cat or kitten can contract kennel cough? Sadly, yes, it is true, your cat or kitten can contract kennel cough. Technically Kennel Cough is a term used to depict a multitude of highly contagious respiratory illness. Typically, one would expect to see kennel cough in dogs that are exposed in kennel or day-care type of environment. However, Bordetella or Kennel Cough if you will can be contracted at the dog park, lake or many other places. Kennel cough itself is generally not fatal, but can lead to fatal bronchopneumonia in puppies and chronic bronchitis in senior or immunocompromised dogs. Bordatella can affect cats and kittens.
What is a PDA in the Heart of a Cat or Kitten? A PDA is referring to a Patent Ductus Arteriosus of the heart.
What is PKD and what does it mean to my cat? PKD is Polycystic Kidney Disease, it is an inherited conditions in cats that causes multiple cysts or pockets of fluid to form in the kidneys.
What is PKD negative mean? PKD is Polycystic Kidney Disease and why it's important to ensure your kitten is from a PKD negative cattery.
Poisonous Plants Spring brings flowers and innocent-looking plants into the garden, yet despite their beauty some of them are deadly to people, birds, and other animals. The most serious effect of plant poisoning to pets is cardiac. When symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea occur, it may already be too late to save your pet's life. However, because these symptoms can indicate other problems, your veterinarian should see the animal immediately. The best course is to eliminate poisonous plants from your landscaping plans, or make certain that these plants are out of reach for your pets and young children. The following is a partial list of seeds and plants that are poisonous to pets and people.
Poisoning - Household toxins Although dogs and cats have a good sense what they can and cannot ingest, accidents do happen. Some common pet poisons include the swallowing of very common household items such as weed killers, ammonia, scouring powder, bleach, insecticides, and also a variety of indoor and outdoor plants, and spoiled food. Some signs of poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, nervousness, difficulty breathing, and change in pupil size. Your pet may even stumble, go into convulsions, or become unconscious. Do not try to make your pet vomit. Many times this can make the situation worse, as some poisons actually cause as much damage coming up as they do going down. Comfort your pet and make it feel secure, and immediately take it to a veterinarian. If you know what your pet ingested, take a sample of it to the veterinarian to help determine proper treatment.
Glossary of Cat Terminology A list of cat related terminology to help you better understand terminology as it relates to the breeding and health of cats.
Coping with and easing the animal suffering from separation anxiety - Separation anxiety is a disorder in which an animal panics when its primary caregiver is not present. This can occur when all owners are completely out of the house, when the owner is absent and someone is still present with the animal, or when the animal is merely separated from the owner, such as by a doorway. The reason for this disorder is not completely understood, but separation anxiety is commonly seen in social species such as cats, dogs, birds, horses and primates.
Behavioral Issues with Cats - Scratching Posts - Cat Scratching Behavior - Despite their reputation for independence, cats can readily be trained to use a scratching post instead of the sofa, curtains, or rugs. Using surgery to prevent or correct a behavioral problem is expedient, but it is not the wisest, kindest, or best solution for your cat. Cats can be trained not to scratch furniture or other objects. Amazingly, many people do not even know that they should provide a scratching post for their cats. Because scratching is a deeply ingrained instinct in cats, if there is no appropriate spot to scratch, they will be forced to substitute furniture or other objects.
My cat is having litter box issues - Few things are as frustrating as the cat that won't use its litter box consistently. Litter box issues and a cat urinating throughout the house can be a sign of a medical attention due to a urinary tract infection. There could be a bigger issue that just behavior. A trip to your veterinarian can tell you whether the litter box issue is a medical or behavior problem. Cats can develop crystals in their bladder and this can cause frequent urination. It is best to rule out any medical issue before assuming it is a behavior problem. If your vet rules out a medical reason for your cat urinating throughout the house, and it is behavioral, it would be worth it to try the Cat Attract litter which is a specially formulated cat litter for felines with bathroom problems - and just one more option you may want to consider if you have a cat with this problem.
What is spay and neuter? Female dogs and cats are spayed by removing their reproductive organs, and male dogs and cats are neutered by removing their testicles. In both cases the operation is performed while the pet is under anesthesia. Depending on your pet's age, size, and health, he or she will stay at your veterinarian's office for a few hours or a few days. Depending upon the procedure, your pet may need.
Seven Signs that a kitten requires immediate medical attention Although some animal medical emergencies can be managed at home, others require immediate veterinary attention. These signs indicate an emergency that requires immediate veterinary assessment.
Feline First Aid Preparation Are you prepared for a feline medical emergency. Here's what you need for a feline medical crisis in your home. First of all realize that first-aid does not substitute for veterinary treatment. Having basic knowledge can help save your cats life while you get him or her to your veterinarian.
Feline First Aid Basic know-how in a medical emergency can save your kitten's life. First aid is the first defense in an emergency until you can reach veterinary care. Know what to do in an emergency situation.
Cat and Kitten Vaccinations - As a Colorado Persian, Himalayan and Exotic Shorthair cat breeder, we feel very strongly about protecting our kittens and making sure we do what is in their best interest. Our kittens are all checked by our veterinarian at four weeks of age. We ensure our kittens are vaccinated at eight and twelve weeks of age. We ensure they receive the core vaccinations to protect our Persian, Himalayan and Exotic Shorthair kittens from the most common diseases: Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calici virus and panleukopenia (Feline distemper). If a kitten is being adopted by a family who has a dog, we also recommend you have your veterinarian vaccinate against bordatella also known as kennel cough. Kennel cough is transferable between cats and dogs.
What is Cat Scratch Fever? Cat scratch fever or cat scratch disease can be treated. However, the best practice is to avoid being scratched. If that’s not avoidable, symptoms to watch for are a bite or scratch becoming reddened or swollen within a few days and does not heal or worsens over time, body rash, flu-like symptoms which include a headache, decreased appetite, fatigue joint pain and fever.
Symptoms of Intestinal Parasites - Did you know that dull coat and shedding could be a symptom of intestinal parasites in Cats? Intestinal parasites and worms can cause a full range of health and behavioral issues in your cat or kitten, which can include the following symptoms: Dull coat with shedding issues, diarrhea, upset GI system, weight loss, anemia, a dull coat and shedding as well as an overall unkept appearance.
Facts about Euthanasia - What to expect when Euthanizing a cat - Putting a cat to sleep. When a cat owner and veterinarian decide that a pet is suffering or is unlikely to recover, euthanasia offers a way to end a cat's pain and suffering. This decision is most likely to be difficult for the cat owner but for the veterinarian as well.
Persian Dental Care - Veterinarians recommend annual check ups for your Persian dental care. This might include a clean as well as teeth extractions.
How to tell if your cat is pregnant - Cat breeding and reproduction of Cats - As with pregnant humans, cats should have proper nutritional support to include supplementation. If breeding is intended, nutritional supplements prior to breeding are best given 3 months before breeding to build up the queen for conditioning to breed. When your cat is pregnant, it is best to give as much to eat as the female will eat. Nutritional support is vital to healthy babies.
Books about Persian Cats We point out our pick for the best cat books and books about the care of Persian cats. There are some great books on this list about Persian cat care.
Can Cats Drink Milk? Can cats and kittens drink milk? In summary, the quick answer is no..
Is Pumpkin Good for Cats? Diarrhea in cats is a common symptom of many diseases and it not considered normal and the causes range from harmless to deadly. Kittens, senior cats, cats with chronic diseases as well as pregnant cats are at an increased risk of death-related complications from untreated diarrhea. The consistency of the stool suggests the degree of severity. Liquid diarrhea is a concern because it dehydrates and malnourishes your animal quickly. Soft, formed stool is generally less severe but should still be assessed by your veterinarian.
When is a Cat Considered Old? How do cats age? When is a cat considered to be old? Unless you know it's birth date, it's hard to tell a cat's age, but sometimes when cats grow old, they start to show signs of age. The average indoor cat lives 12 - 15 years.
Are there special food bowls or dishes to feed a flat faced Persian cat so they can eat easier? Persians with their flat faces can have difficulty eating out regular cat food bowls.
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