Extreme Flat Faced Persian Kitten - Babydoll or Doll Faced Persian Kitten - Facial Structure
When researching Persians, have you often wondered what it meant when they said "Dollfaced," "Baby doll faced," "traditional doll faced" or "extreme faced?" These terms are describing the facial structure of the Persian cat or kitten as well as an Exotic Shorthair cat or kitten.
It has been speculated that over time breeding has produced flatter and flatter faced Persians and Exotics which are also known as flat faced or extreme faced. The traditional dollfaced Persian, while they are very sweet looking are not what the Cat Fanciers (CFA), TICA (The International Cat Association) or ACFA (American Cat Fanciers Association) consider to be breed standard or of show quality. According to breed standard, a kitten with a doll face could not obtain a championship title.
For more specific details on breed standard and what makes a show quality Persian, please visit the Cat Fanciers Association website.
Doll Face Facial Structure
Doll Face - When considering purchasing a Persian kitten, it is best to first consider what type of facial structure you desire the most.
The traditional doll faced Persian is very popular among families looking for a wonderful Persian companion. Traditional dollfaced Persians are still very affectionate, meet the description of the breed or breed standard with the exception of the facial structure.
Below, in Example A: The solid black kitten pictured is an example of a dollfaced Persian, baby doll faced or traditional doll faced Persian.
Low Nose Facial Structure
Low Nose - When we define an extreme face, there are more than one facial structure that comes to mind. For example, the red & white kitten pictured to the right is an extreme faced Persian. However, he is what we describe as a low nosed Persian kitten. As you can tell from the photograph, his nose sits a bit low on his face with regards to its vertical placement on the face.
Below, in Example B: The darling blue & white Persian kitten pictured below is another prime example of a dollfaced Persian with the longer nose and a low nose. For a family seeking a beautiful Persian or Exotic Shorthair companion, the doll faced facial structure is very popular. Although this Persian kitten is very darling and still flat faced, with regards to showing and breed standard, it would not be likely that this kitten or this type of facial structure could obtain a championship title.
Flat Faced Facial Structure
Flat Faced - The expression flat faced Persian describes a kitten with a flat face and a tiny little nose.
Below, in Example C: The cream & white flat faced kitten pictured below is a great example of a kitten who has a flat face.
However, as you can tell from the photograph is still not the flattest facial structure seen in a Persian kitten. The flat faced Persian meets the standard of the breed as described by CFA (Cat Fanciers Association) and TICA (The International Cat Association).
With proper presentation this facial structure could easily obtain a championship status provided it presents no other disqualifying faults.
Extreme Faced Facial Structure
Extreme Faced - When a Persian facial structure is described as an extreme faced what they are referring to is the flatness of the face.
Below, in Example D: The red & white kitten pictured below is described as an extreme faced, meaning extremely flat in structure. This facial structure is the most common in the show halls of the Cat Fanciers Association and TICA (The International Cat Association) cat shows.
Due to the facial structure of an extreme faced Persian, there may be any of the following conditions present: eye drainage due to the placement of the eustachian tubes, sinus and noise coming from the nose, i.e. shorting and some sneezing. All of these symptoms are very common for an extreme faced Persian. In some cases, a surgical laser procedure can be done to enlarge the nares (nostrils) (small nostrils on a cat is also knows as stenotic nares) of a cat to aid in easing the airflow of the nose. Typically, this is done only in rare cases. When considering this type of procedure, it is best to do some research to make sure your veterinarian is experienced with this type of procedure.
So, whether your personal preference for facial structure on a Persian or Exotic Shorthair is dollfaced, traditional doll faced, flat faced or extreme faced, you can now determine the difference with just a glance.

Example A
Dollfaced Persian
Example B
Dollfaced, low nose.
Example C
Flat faced Persian
Example D
Extreme faced Persian