Lost Animal - Help and Tips to Finding a Lost Cat
Your cat is lost - now what? Every thirty seconds, a pet becomes lost, stolen or missing in the United States. A curious indoor cat slips out an opened door. A frightened feline darts out of the car at the veterinary clinic. No matter the situation, the disappearance can be devastating to owners. In addition to pet identification you need to know how and where to search for your last cat.
Where are the most likely places your lost cat would go? Most frightened lost animals will hide
First try to anticipate where your indoor cat may try to go if he or she gets out or becomes lost. Check under bushes or in any out buildings like a barn, garage or storage shed. Your cat will be looking for a place to hide and/or food.
If it's cold outside, look under the hood of your car before starting it in the morning. Your indoor cat may try to get warm inside the engine compartment of your car. You should probably check your engine in the colder months anyway, in case any stray cats may have moved in during the cold night.
Set live humane traps to catch your frightened pet and put some highly aromatic cat food inside the trap along with your cat's favorite bedding. If your cat will eat canned food, try warming the food a bit in the microwave, this enhances the smell of the food. These enticing and familiar smells can help urge a lost cat into the trap.
Finally, practice some preventive tactics. We recommend creating an audible cue and use it when you feed your cat. For instance, tap on the food can with a spoon or run the can opener or shake their favorite treats container. This sound becomes familiar and appealing to your cat because he/she knows that food soon follows. If your cat gets lost, use this auditory signal during your search. Your cat may be frightened and hiding but be more apt to emerge if he hears this comforting sound.