Did you know that dull coat and shedding could be a symptom of intestinal worms in Cats?
Intestinal parasites and worms can cause a full range of health and behavioral issues in your cat or kitten, which can include the following symptoms: Dull coat with shedding issues, diarrhea, upset GI system, weight loss, anemia, a dull coat and shedding as well as an overall unkept appearance.
Facts about deworming
It is important to deworm your cat, especially if they are outdoors. They can eat bugs or hunt and ingest parasites via their hunt. If left untreated, those parasites can lead to medical issues.
Deworming frequency
Indoor cats have minimal exposure, with the exception of eating an occasional bug that has made the mistake of coming indoors. However, outdoor cats need to be dewormed more often. The frequency of deworming depends on your pet and their environment. The best approach for deworming your cat is as follows: Outside cats should be dewormed about 3 times a year. Indoor cats once a year. Talk to your veterinarian about the best dewormer for your cat and the frequency he or she would have you administer deworming medication.
There are multiple types of deworming treatments for cats. Deworming medications come in multiple forms from pills and topicals to oral liquid deworming.
What Is the Best Cat Dewormer?
The best cat dewormer for your cat ultimately depends on your cat. Deworming can be an easy task if you match the product with your cats’ ease in handling.
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We find Pyrantel Pamoate an easy dewormer to use.